Or at least they shouldn't mean anything to you as a client. I don't say this because I haven't been able to win any - in seven years I won more than 50 regional and national awards, including "Best of Show" in the Toledo Society of Communicating Arts competition four times. Awards are good for the designer's ego, and to help get young professionals noticed in the community, but too often pieces that win awards fail in the marketplace. And, conversely, pieces which do an effective job for the client rarely win awards.
      The reason is that effective marketing programs often use straightforward and basic elements with minimal cutting edge design; or they rely on complex and subtle messages to specific audience segments which are not adequately expressed in a flashy poster or highly graphic ad. On the other hand, judges of design competition have only a few seconds to inspect each piece before deciding "in or out." This means that only the simple and flashy pieces have a realistic chance of catching the judge's eye. I know this from experience, having judged many competitions, including the Michigan Addies for several years.
      However, awards still seem to convey credibility in the marketplace, so I include the following record of awards received in my first seven years of business, after which I no longer entered awards competitions.

First Year
Art Directors Club of Toledo
Gold Award/Booklets
Gold Award/Illustration
Gold Award/Experimental
Gold Award/Slides

Second Year
Art Directors Club of Toledo
Gold Award/Illustration
Silver Award/Film
Advertising Club of Toledo
Special Award for Outstanding Concept and Execution (Film)
Calvin Productions, Kansas City
Ten Best Films of 1968

Third Year
Toledo Society of Communicating Arts
Best of Show (Direct Mail)
Gold Award/Direct Mail
Silver Award/Editorial
Merit Award/Booklets
Merit Award/Packaging
Merit Award/Direct Mail
Merit Award/Booklets
Merit Award/Annual Reports
Advertising Club of Toledo
Merit Award/Booklets
Merit Award/Booklets
National Society of College & University Public Relations Departments
Merit Award/Posters

Fourth Year
Toledo Society of Communicating Arts
Best of Show (Experimental)
Gold Award/Slides
Gold Award/Slides
Gold Award/Experimental
Silver Award/Slides
Silver Award/Campaign
Silver Award/Campaign
Merit Award/Booklets
Merit Award/Slides
Advertising Club of Toledo
First Award/Trade Ad
Second Award/Booklets

Fifth Year
Toledo Society of Communicating Arts
Best of Show (Film)
Gold Medal/Film
Silver Medal/Radio Series
Merit Award/Television Series
Merit Award/Booklets
Advertising Club of Toledo
Excellence Award/Direct Mail
Excellence Award/Promotion
Honor Award/Multi-Media Campaign
Honor Award/Radio
Honor Award/Radio Series
Honor Award/Television Series

Sixth Year
Advertising Club of Toledo
Silver Medal/Corporate Identity
Special Citation/Television
Special Citation/Posters
10 Bronze Certificates
Curtis Paper
Paper Usage Award
Strathmore Paper
Paper Usage Award
Financial World Magazine
Silver Oscar (Annual Report)
Meade Library of Ideas
Inclusion in Annual Report Exhibit
AAF, Ohio Region
Second Place, Television,
Regional Honorable Mention, Radio
Columbus Film Festival
Gold Certificate
Institute of Outdoor Advertising
71 Best of '71 Outdoor Ads

Seventh Year
Toledo Society of Communicating Arts
Best of Show (Direct Mail)
Gold Award/Direct Mail
Special Citation/Television
Silver Award/Television
Advertising Club of Toledo
Gold Award/Packaging

After seven years of awards competition, I retired from advertising shows, although I remained active as a judge, particularly in the Michigan ADDY Awards.